News Rockin' Rich Lynch Meets Meat Loaf in Music City (Nashville, TN) - Country superstar John Rich sure knows how to throw a party and on March 27, 2021 he was cooking up a little surprise for the guests at his private lifestyle brand soiree held at the Redneck Riviera on Broadway. In addition to the generous spread that Rich provided for attendees he was also serving up a side platter of Meat Loaf. Alright, not the food but his good friend from the Celebrity Apprentice television show.
Rockin' Rich Lynch with Meat Loaf and John Rich. Rockin' Rich Lynch (www.RichLynchBand.com) had a brief moment in the past with the singing star when he interviewed the giant talent for his radio show back in 2010. But, meeting the man in person was an unexpected bonus. Meat Loaf was on hand at John Rich's event to sing for the first time in four years following five back surgeries. Lynch had a chance to chat with the creator of the "Bat Out of Hell" albums and found out that he is now living in Nashville and has for the past three years. The radio host reminded the rock star about the time he was on his show telling him, "what I recall is that you talked a lot - lol!"
Meat Loaf returns to the stage in Nashville in March 2021. "My Indian name they tell me," Meat readied with a quick and pertinent reply, "is Won't Shut Up!" Fans can check out an archived version of the conversation between Meat and Rockin' Rich Lynch at the link below.
Related Links: For more information on MEAT LOAF and the other organizations mentioned please visit the following links -- Meat Loaf | Rockin' Rich Lynch | John Rich's Lifestyle Brand Grows Bigger By the Day in Nashville
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