
For Immediate Release: Nashville's Rockin' Rich Lynch Sees the End Times Fast Approaching On the Gripping and Timely "Plain Ole Armageddon"

(Nashville, TN) - How did we get here? No, not to these very crazy times full of societal confusion and perilous geo-political gyrations. But, to the release of the new song "Plain Ole Armageddon" by Nashville, Tennessee's Rockin' Rich Lynch who says that, "Just like the Bible from Genesis until the final page - it's a very long story. LOL!"

According to Rockin' Rich Lynch (RRL) the track's origin dates back to a 1991 trip to Israel led by best-selling author Jonathan Cahn (The Harbinger, The Return of the Gods) that turned out to be a life-changing experience for the singer-songwriter in so many ways.

Still, RRL says the writing process for his latest release only began recently thanks in large part to his indulgence in a specialty niche of low budget B-rated films.

"Cheesy Rapture Movies are my guilty pleasure," Lynch confessed in advance of the song's release. "Especially during the down-time that began the decade. I sought them out. There's quite a few out there and the process of searching for and watching these sometimes amusing and often disturbing productions was a form of therapy for me during those days."

The timely new track from Rockin' Rich Lynch - "Plain Ole Armageddon".

"In one of the last ones I watched there was a line in the movie that went 'It's Revelation and not revelations," Lynch confirmed. "I went 'Right On' because that is one of my pet peeves, too. (Laughs) You're getting the whole picture now. That line opens up the song leading to further deliberation on the topic."

But, wait! There's more. In correspondence with a family member after another round of severe weather that congratulated RRL for surviving a potential 'personal Armageddon' - Lynch had an additional breakthrough and the idea for the chorus came together."

"I thought to myself, ...'that is not sound theology or is it even factually correct, I've been there'...," Lynch relayed as he went on to describe how he plots out the actual known physical location of Armageddon in the song.

Recalling that journey to the Holy Land more than three decades ago Lynch remembers standing next to a sign that read 'Plain of Megiddo' with a friend on the trip who then nudged RRL and said to him - "There it is Rich, Plain Ole Armageddon".

Lynch adds that it was a recent meeting with the author Cahn in Nashville that helped inspire him to turn back to this subject matter at this moment in time.

Rockin' Rich Lynch is still making records in Nashville.

"I attended the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention in Nashville in February as an industry rep. There were so many authors and media outlets on site. We reconnected with Jonathan there. It was all very exciting, eye-opening and truly inspirational," Lynch began. "I also interviewed two formidable front men in Christian rock - John Schlitt of Petra and Benny Dichiara of Empowered."

"We also got to watch one of the biggest bands currently in the category - for KING & COUNTRY - do a set from the front row of the Opryland ballroom. Needless to say I came away energized to get in the game and throw a message of my own back into the arena."

It's true - this isn't Rockin' Rich's first foray into the Jesus rock genre. In 2017, he released "Jesus Rock" about a rock he found on that very same 1991 trip way back when. For the "Plain Ole Armageddon" single cover, Lynch set out some geological specimens that he picked up off of the Plain of Armageddon and arranged them in a way that makes one bold and unmistakable statement.

To complete this powerful piece of Gospel Rock that was inspired in part by a Zeppelin riff with a nod to Tom Petty, Ozzy Osbourne, Punk and 90's Alternative - Lynch turned to producer DALLAS JACK who once again provided the magic touch that has resulted in a 4 minute and 22 second track that is courageous, compelling and ultimately designed to get the world's attention.

Do we have yours???

The "Jesus Rock" singer returns with the powerful "Plain Ole Armageddon".

ABOUT ROCKIN' RICH LYNCH: Rich Lynch is a singer/songwriter who began his professional recording career in 2014 with "I Want to Live in a Dome". He has now released over 40 critically acclaimed digital singles to the online marketplace and he is currently hard at work in Nashville on several new tracks that will see the light of day in the near future. More at -

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SOURCE: "Plain Ole Armageddon" Press Release

BANDCAMP: "Plain Ole Armageddon" on Bandcamp


Rockin' Rich Lynch on New Jersey Stage

Meet Rockin' Rich Lynch - Nashville Voyager Magazine

Rockin' Rich Lynch in the Papua New Guinea Post-Courier

For Immediate Release: Nashville's Rockin' Rich Lynch Sees the End Times Fast Approaching On the Gripping and Timely "Plain Ole Armageddon"

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