
At Summer NAMM 2021 Nashville's Rockin' Rich Lynch Vows to Become the Next King of Rock and Roll

Rockin' Rich Lynch is a songwriter who has toiled at his craft for decades, finally releasing a collection of his work in the form a debut album called Nashville Seen this year that is now available as a digital download from his BandCamp website. But, it is only in recent times that the musician has really taken the idea of becoming a serviceable guitar player more seriously.

Rockin' Rich Lynch ascends to take the guitar throne at Summer NAMM.

"I have always used the guitar as a tool to write basic tracks for my songs," Lynch revealed. "I just never felt that comfortable or proficient on the instrument."

That all began to change with a 2015 move to Nashville when the artist started playing out more often at open mics and singer-songwriter showcases alongside some of the top players and writers in the world.

"I had no choice but to get better since the competition is so strong and the quality level is extremely elevated," Lynch observed. "Plus, there is an amazing amount of tools and resources here to take advantage of to help with the progress in becoming a better musician."

Checking out a lovely green one from Tyler Mac.

In addition to the many stores and retail outlets that allow you to take a guitar off a shelf and start strumming, the annual music industry conference Summer NAMM also showcases a wide selection of instruments every year in Nashville. That's when Lynch got his latest brainstorm.

"I decided to actually get as many guitars in my hands this year as possible and take a few minutes to play them," Lynch added. "In doing so, I asked the dealers and vendors if they had any tips and advice for a relatively novice player."

Lynch's first stop on his quest to master the six-string was the expansive and new Gibson Gargage on Wednesday night - July 14, 2021 - where he played a striking and beautiful turquoise SG that is now on his want list. While at the company's flashy new retail space, Lynch bumped into online guitar instructor Rhett Shull (350,000 subscribers can't be wrong) and the pair discussed some of Shull's more memorable guitar related adventures.

Rockin' Rich plays a pair of aluminum axes, a Viper and a Gullet in Nashville.

On Thursday, July 15, 2021 - Rockin' Rich Lynch was up early to take in the official opening of Summer NAMM as it returned to Music City Center following a pause in the action thanks to the pandemic. Upon entering the grand ballroom, Lynch was momentarily detoured - tempted to climb the returning Gibson throne that stood proudly in the hallway. But, once the convention doors opened the musician and artist had only one goal in mind - to play some guitar.

Lynch checked out several items including the versatile wood-toned Reddick with its interchangeable pick-ups. As a longtime fan of heavy metal, Rich also looked forward to playing some of the aluminum guitars on display and he banged out a few chords each on a Lucite combo from Aluminati and the durable H5 Slim Modular from H5XM.

Before trying out a pair of green beauties from Viper and Taylor Mac, Lynch bumped into Nashville's very own Guthrie Trapp who is a highly regarded player, recording artist and teacher in town and together they shared a few words about the set up at this year's event before returning to the offerings on the convention floor.

With the technically advanced wood tone guitar from Reddick with interchangeable pickups.

"I honestly think that both being around musicians and instruments that are just begging to be held has the effect of rubbing off on you. It is a way of absorbing the talent, muse and the abundance of music in Music City that works to improve my own playing. Well, that and a rigid practice regiment," Lynch laughed. But, he wasn't done meeting his heroes. There was one more encounter that might have served as an omen that he is on the right track.

While setting out on his trek to better his guitar skills as part of his long-standing quest to become the "The Next King of Rock and Roll" he had no idea who was just around the corner upstairs in the Taylor Guitar room. There Rockin' Rich met the man who played with The King - Elvis Presely - for many years. Sure enough the iconic guitar legend James Burton was testing out a wall full of new acoustics and the friend to many of the world's most famous axe men was kind enough to take a photo with the aspirant to the throne sending Rockin' Rich Lynch back home with a fairly tale end to a very productive few days in Nashville.

Related Links: For more information on ROCKIN' RICH LYNCH and the other organizations mentioned please visit the following links - Rockin' Rich Lynch on BandCamp | Gibson Garage | James Burton | Guthrie Trapp | Rhett Shull | Aluminati | Gullett Guitar Co. | Hoxeys 5x Machining | Reddick Guitars | Tyler Mac Studios | Viper Guitars

Meeting James Burton, Guthrie Trapp and Rhett Shull at Summer NAMM.


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