News Nashville's Rockin' Rich Lynch Is Turning Heads in Papau New Guinea Nashville musician Rockin' Rich Lynch is gaining a foothold with fans in Papau New Guinea of all places thanks to his ongoing and vocal support for that mysterious island nation's efforts to launch its first ever league of American Football. Lynch - who is an international advocate for the sport through his executive position with Global Gridiron - is also a performer who only wears apparel related to the game while singing on stage in Music City and beyond. His story was prominently featured in PNG's largest newspaper the Post-Courier on September 1, 2021 in a story titled "PNG AFF Slowly Building Reputation" in both their online and print editions.
Rockin' Rich Lynch promotes the PNG AFF in Nashville. "Yes, TD Jim the President of the Papau New Guinea American Football Foundation (PNG AFF) sent me a pair of shirts and a hat for my American Football fashion stage attire, and I love them! They are so comfortable," Lynch enthused. "So, I made a deal with him that I would donate a large percentage of my music sales over the next few months to help grow the league and federation culminating in my festival appearance in late October." That event, the Pickin' On The Piney Music Festival was originally scheduled for last year, and then September, before being reset for October at a new state of the art venue built right off of the Piney River in Dickson County. It promises to be a family friendly affair over two days featuring a diverse slate of live music ranging from bluegrass to classic rock. Lynch plans to promote the PNG AFF from the stage to the large crowd that is expected to gather from all over Mid-Tenn. BUY MY MUSIC - SUPPORT THE PNG! Fans, please purchase one of over 30 songs now available at Rich's BANDCAMP page link below and a large percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the PNG AFF to help with their current needs and the considerable expenses associated with launching a professional football league. At checkout, you can even add some extra funds as a way for showing your support for the music and sporting endeavor. ABOUT THE PNG-AFF: The Papua New Guinea American Football Federation is the governing body of American football in Papua New Guinea specializing in both Flag Football and Tackle Football. They are currently guiding the launch of the KFL - Kumul Football League that will begin play with four fully padded, 11-man teams in PNG's capitol city Port Moresby in 2022.
Nashville's Rockin' Rich Lynch was covered by PNG's largest newspaper in 2021. Related Links: For more information on ROCKIN' RICH LYNCH and the other organizations mentioned please visit the following links - Rockin' Rich Lynch | Rockin' Rich Lynch on BANDCAMP | PNG AFF Slowly Building Reputation | PNG AFF | Pickin' On the Piney Music Festival
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